jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

Gerunds and Infinitives!


A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being. However, since a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies some positions in a sentence that a noun ordinarily would, for example: subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition.

Gerund as subject:
•Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences. (Traveling is the gerund.)
•The study abroad program might satisfy your desire for new experiences. (The gerund has been removed.)

Gerund as direct object:
•They do not appreciate my singing. (The gerund is singing.)
•They do not appreciate my assistance. (The gerund has been removed)

Gerund as subject complement:
•My cat's favorite activity is sleeping. (The gerund is sleeping.)
•My cat's favorite food is salmon. (The gerund has been removed.)

Gerund as object of preposition:
•The police arrested him for speeding. (The gerund is speeding.)
•The police arrested him for criminal activity. (The gerund has been removed.)

A Gerund Phrase is a group of words consisting of a gerund and the modifier(s) and/or (pro)noun(s) or noun phrase(s) that function as the direct object(s), indirect object(s), or complement(s) of the action or state expressed in the gerund, such as:

The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the sentence.

Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier than what we're trying to do.

Finding (gerund)
a needle (direct object of action expressed in gerund)
in a haystack (prepositional phrase as adverb)

The gerund phrase functions as the direct object of the verb appreciate.

I hope that you appreciate my offering you this opportunity.

my (possessive pronoun adjective form, modifying the gerund)
offering (gerund)
you (indirect object of action expressed in gerund)
this opportunity (direct object of action expressed in gerund)

The gerund phrase functions as the subject complement.

Tom's favorite tactic has been jabbering away to his constituents.

jabbering away to (gerund)
his constituents (direct object of action expressed in gerund)

The gerund phrase functions as the object of the preposition for.

You might get in trouble for faking an illness to avoid work.

faking (gerund)
an illness (direct object of action expressed in gerund)
to avoid work (infinitive phrase as adverb)

The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the sentence.

Being the boss made Jeff feel uneasy.

Being (gerund)
the boss (subject complement for Jeff, via state of being expressed in gerund)


A gerund virtually never requires any punctuation with it.

Points to remember:
1.A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing that is used as a noun.
2.A gerund phrase consists of a gerund plus modifier(s), object(s), and/or complement(s).
3.Gerunds and gerund phrases virtually never require punctuation.

Source: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/627/01/

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Noun Song

I liked this song and I think it will be nice to learn about nouns watching and listening this video. I hope you will enjoy it too.

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Collective Nouns

A collective noun names a group of objects, where "objects" can be people, animals, emotions, inanimate things, concepts, or other things.


SubjectCollective Term
antsAn army of ants[2]
antsA bike of ants[2]
antsA colony of ants[2]
antsA swarm of ants[2]
antelopeA cluster of antelope[2]
antelopeA herd of antelope[2]
antelopeA tribe of antelope[2]
apesA shrewdness of apes[1]
apesA troop of apes[2]
asses (roped)A coffle of asses[2]
asses (driven)A drove of asses[2]
assesA herd of asses[2]
assesA pace of asses[1]
auks (on land)A colony of auks[2]
auks (at sea)A flock of auks[2]
auks (on water)A raft of auks[2]
SubjectCollective Term
antsAn army of ants[2]
antsA bike of ants[2]
antsA colony of ants[2]
antsA swarm of ants[2]
antelopeA cluster of antelope[2]
antelopeA herd of antelope[2]
antelopeA tribe of antelope[2]
apesA shrewdness of apes[1]
apesA troop of apes[2]
asses (roped)A coffle of asses[2]
asses (driven)A drove of asses[2]
assesA herd of asses[2]
assesA pace of asses[1]
auks (on land)A colony of auks[2]
auks (at sea)A flock of auks[2]
auks (on water)A raft of auks[2]

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_collective_nouns_by_subject_A-H
Proper Noun

A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing and begings with a capital letter. It's more specific than the common noun.

  • James
  • Julie
  • California
  • IBM, General Motors
  • Neiman Marcus
  • Applebee’s
  • Mckinley
  • Ireland, France, America
  • Betty
  • Lieutenant Mark Davis
  • the Mississippi River
  • University of Georgia

Source: http://www.k12reader.com/proper-nouns/
Compound Noun
A compound noun is like a derivitave. It is two words put together to make one word.

Here are some examples:
dry cleaning
over throw
high school

Source: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/List_of_compound_noun

Common Nouns.

A common noun names any person, place, or thing.

These most common nouns include an example sentence to help us learn.
I hope this list become helpful for everybody.

ageThe age of my daughter is three.
airThe air is quite clear today.
angerHis anger knows no limits.
animalI'm not sure of the name of that animal over there in that cage.
answerHe provided an excellent answer to my question.
appleI love a good red apple after dinner.
areaThis area is intended for recreation
armHe put his arm out for inspection.
artIt would be difficult to live without art.
atomOne of the smallest elements is the atom.
babyShe put her baby into its crib.
backI turned my back on that outrageous man.
ballHe hit the ball out of the park.
bandThe band played until three in the morning.
bankThe bank closes at three in the afternoon.
barLet's go to the bar and get a beer.
baseHe works at the base on the otherside of town.
batIf you look up there you can see a bat flying between the trees.
bearThe bear is a dangerous but playful animal.
beautyThe countryside is splendid in its beauty.
bellHe rang the bell to signal the end of class.
birdDo you know the name of that bird on that branch?
bitCould you hand me that bit for this drill?
blockHe picked up the block of wood and began to work on it.
bloodLook at the blood on the floor! What's happened?
blowHe received a mighty blow from his opponent in the boxing match.
boardUse that board over there to cover up the window.
boatHe bought a new boat for his birthday.
bodyHe left the body at the side of the road.
boneI found a prehistoric bone in the desert.
bookYou should read this book!
bottomYou will find the coin at the bottom of the lake.
boxI put the extra clothes into that box.
boyDo you see that boy over there?
branchThere is a bird on that branch.
breadCould you get some bread when you go to the supermarket?
breakI'll take a five minute break and then get back to work.
brotherMy brother lives in Seattle.
callGive me a call when you arrive.
campI set up camp at the edge of the wood.
capitalThe capital of Washington state is Olympia.
captainThe captain told his crew to raise the sail.
carHe drove his car very fast.

Source: http://esl.about.com/library/vocabulary/bl1000_list_noun1.htm